Data Warehouse Modernization
Businesses are considering DWH modernization because of various reasons. But what is a DWH modernization and how can it be differentiated from minor changes such as a database upgrade?
The common reasons to start with the modernization of data warehouse are: · lack of performance, · need of business-coverage, · lack of trust by users, · lack of analytical capabilities, · or a mixture of some or all the above mentioned.
When there is clarity on the cause(s), the next step is to opt for the modernization strategies available. A distinction is made between two dimensions of modernization, namely the technology and the range of functions:
As with every major project, organizations need to pay attention to risks and challenges to mitigate them. The most common ones for DWH modernization projects are business support, requirements management, and big bets. The success of the project doesn’t depend on “one silver bullet”; however, our services team has identified several solution components that have proven themselves:
data-driven project planning,
transition architecture,
early visibility of results,
model-driven development, and
data governance using business data modeling.
The modernization of the DWH will succeed so long as it is not seen only as an IT priority, or even exclusively as an IT task, but is done with close involvement of the respective business units.
Is that issue familiar to you? Download our field report about DWH Modernization (PDF).